Infrastructure engineering services

VIARIUM as a company with a broad spectrum in engineering is articulated according to its areas of activity. It includes planning, design, development and management of infrastructures. We develop Engineering and Consulting in the whole life cycle of an Infrastructure structured in different areas.

Studies & Master planning

This area is the backbone of all phases of both civil works and construction, as well as the development of all types of technical studies in the above fields. For this purpose, VIARIUM has implemented...

Engineering Design Solutions

VIARIUM develops through this area the management of the different phases of design and construction of infrastructures, as well as the control and monitoring of the works from the point of view of...

Architectural Design Solutions

VIARIUM develops the technical and economic management of the infrastructures and the processes associated with them during their useful life, in order to maintain them at optimum standards of quality and...

Construction Management & Supervision

Within VIARIUM organizational structure, our Airports Division is a key pillar of our activity, being VIARIUM one of the leading companies in this field...

Project Management

VIARIUM has extensive experience in the preparation of technical documentation for public tenders, both national and international. It is made up of a...

Infrastructure Management

Within VIARIUM organizational structure, our Airports Division is a key pillar of our activity, being VIARIUM one of the leading companies in this field...

Technology & Innovation

VIARIUM as a company of wide spectrum in engineering is articulated according to its areas of activity. It encompasses the planning, design, development and management of infrastructures...

Tender Support

VIARIUM has extensive experience in the preparation of technical documentation for public tenders, both national and international. It is made up of a...


If you need more information, please contact us