ENAIRE expands the ACC Madrid building to create a new control room


Viarium will be in charge of the technical assistance for the management and control of the works.

ENAIRE has awarded the technical assistance contract for the management and control of the works for the extension of the ACC Madrid building, with a material execution budget of more than 21 million euros and an estimated surface of 16,000 square meters, where a new control room will be created. Viarium will be responsible for the provision of several services, including works management, health and safety coordination and environmental monitoring.

Viarium role in the development of the Project.

Viarium will be in charge of leading and supervising the works, covering various responsibilities crucial to the project. These functions include:

  • Construction Management: Ensure that the works are carried out according to the established plan.
  • Construction Execution Management: Control the quality and compliance of the work.
  • On-site Technical Support: Provide technical assistance throughout the process.
  • Health and Safety Coordination: To ensure a safe environment for all workers.
  • Environmental Monitoring: Ensure that environmental regulations are respected.

In addition, Viarium will provide technical support in the management of the dossier and will coordinate the implementation of the BIM methodology.

Works Management

Viarium's supervision will be comprehensive, covering the phases before, during and after the execution of the work. This includes:

  • Control of Materials and Procedures: Ensure that everything complies with technical and regulatory specifications.
  • Documentation and Verification: Record control data, measurements and ensure the correct implementation of the Health and Safety Plan.
  • Quality and Protection: Supervise according to the Quality Assurance Plan, protect the newly executed elements and take photographic and measurement records.
  • Waste Management and Environmental Preservation: Ensure proper waste management and environmental preservation according to the Environmental Monitoring Plan.
  • Project Compliance: Verify that the constructed elements comply with the project specifications, manage the commissioning and legalization of installations, and document everything according to current regulations and ENAIRE's BIM methodology.

Execution Deadline

The project will be executed in a total term of 28 months, covering all its phases. This extension of the ACC Madrid building will provide ENAIRE with a more modern and efficient control room, thus improving air traffic management in Spain.

Viarium will not only supervise each stage of the process, but will also guarantee compliance with legal and technical regulations, ensuring a high quality project that will contribute significantly to the efficiency and modernization of air traffic control in Spain.