Portfolio of Services

Our portfolio of services is based on the following strategic lines:

  • Smart infrastructures / Smartcities: VIARIUM knows that infrastructures are interconnected systems and associated services that can be managed efficiently and automatically through emerging technologies that also reduce costs and improve service quality.
  • Energy, efficiency and sustainability: Activities at VIARIUM pursue the search for the best renewable energy technologies to optimise the cost and reliability of the energy generated, i.e. new forms of generation and demand management. Our core areas of action are: renewable energies, a smart energy system, energy efficiency and more sustainable transport systems.
    Our top two research and development lines currently cover new sustainable fuels and energy and their associated infrastructure.
  • Transport: VIARIUM is engaged in transport digitalisation and automation with a view to configuring an interconnected and efficient mobility system. This is all done with georeferencing and geolocation tools and systems, combined with smart management platforms as a basis for developing safe and efficient mobility solutions.
  • Aeronautics and airspace: Remaining true to our aeronautical specialisation, VIARIUM has initiated projects related to this field. New uses for RPAS/UAVS, developments in the Single European Sky, and other projects and factors have upgraded and scaled up air operations activities. VIARIUM attends to the challenges and opportunities associated with the transformation of the Spanish aeronautical sector within the framework of European policies.