Viarium has been selected to lead the remodeling of the Adolfo Suárez Madrid/Barajas Airport in an action valued at 700 million euros.
The project is divided into two blocks: the first one, Project Management T.A., is focused on the integral management and control of the project, while the second one, Airport Technical Support T.A. for the drafting of the Construction Projects, provides technical assistance in relation to its scope.
In order to coordinate the management of the construction projects and guarantee the continuity of the airport operation, Viarium will provide Project Management, Airport Technical Support and Technical Support to the Works Management.
The remodelling implies the incorporation of new infrastructures in temporary coincidence with the existing ones that, on the other hand, must remain fully operative until the commissioning of those infrastructures, moment in which a strong distortion in the usual operation processes of the airport may occur.
Modification of airport processes
In addition, in the case of major remodeling, airport facilities may be generated that are essentially different from those that existed and that modify airport processes, substantially affecting the operating procedures of the various partners and companies involved in the airport operation.
The new legal framework for airport regulation (Law 18/2014) that configures the airport network as a service of general economic interest, guarantees through the Airport Regulation Document (DORA) the provision of airport services in a safe, effective and efficient manner, determining the Strategic Projects to be carried out.
Coordination of airport processes and intervening companies
Viarium will be in charge of the coordination of airport processes and intervening companies that, in principle, are alien to the construction process itself, but that are intrinsically affected by the phases and deadlines derived from the works.
The New Processor Building and Remodeling of T123, which is estimated at 700 million euros, is in the design development, bidding and transition phases, which will coincide with the first years of the execution of the corresponding works.